Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Distinctions and Distinctiveness in the Work of Prison Officers: Legitimacy and Authority Revisited

Tomorrow the Institute of Criminology’s 13th Annual Nigel Walker Lecture will be given by professor Alison Liebling

The purpose of this lecture is to provide a framework for thinking about the work of prison officers, and in particular, their relationships with prisoners. Drawing on important recent theoretical contributions to the policing literature, several empirical research projects on the work of prison officers and staff-prisoner relationships conducted by the author and colleagues, and various analyses of the quality of prison life as evaluated by prisoners, this lecture explores the ‘flow of power’ in prison through staff-prisoner relationships. It is a well-known maxim that relationships are ‘at the heart’ of prison life (Home Office 1984). In this lecture, I develop and illustrate this proposition, arguing that the moral quality of prison life is enacted by the attitudes and conduct of prison officers. There are important distinctions to be made in their work: between ‘good’ and ‘right’ relationships; ‘tragic’ and ‘cynical’ perspectives; ‘reassurance’ and ‘relational’ safety; ‘good’ and ‘bad’ confidence; and between ‘positive peer relations’ and ‘oppositional peer loyalty’. These cultural and philosophical distinctions are largely ‘unseen’ but decisive in shaping the prison’s moral and social climate. Failure to find the “ethical space” necessary for reflection on officers’ conceptual understandings, attitudes and practices, brings about serious organisational and operational risks, and threats to justice. The best prison officer work can be described using these kinds of distinctions.
Alison Liebling is Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, and Director of the Prisons Research Centre, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge.

Wednesday 26th May 2010, 18.00-19.30 hrs
Venue: Institute of Criminology (Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge)
To book a seat please contact: Joanne Garner, Institute of Criminology, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 9DA Tel: 01223 335360, Email: jf225@cam.ac.uk (When booking, please state if you have problems with mobility)

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Article by student at Institute of Criminology

David Humphreys, a Ph.D candidate at the Institute of Criminology, has an article in the January issue of Criminology and Public Policy that he co-authored with Manuel Eisner. The article is based on his research on the impact of changes in England's alcohol licensing policy on violent crime and disorder. Congratulations!

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Guardian Law Site

The Guardian has set up a new law microsite on its website which looks interesting. This article which argues why Ken Clarke will make a good Justice Minister is good for starters and I'm sure that Afua Hirsch's blog will provide insight into justice and legal issues.

Friday, 14 May 2010

RIP Boy: radio play

This play has been recommended as something which might be of interest to people: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00s7g8f/Friday_Play_RIP_Boy/

It is only available until 10pm on 14 May so be quick!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

The new coalition and crime

The Liberal-Conservative Coalition Agreement has been published and it is fairly sparse on crime related points. The items which are probably of most interest to criminologists come under the Civil Liberties section:
- The scrapping of ID card scheme, the National Identity register, the next generation of biometric passports and the Contact Point Database.
- Outlawing the finger-printing of children at school without parental permission.
- The extension of the scope of the Freedom of Information Act to provide greater transparency.
- Adopting the protections of the Scottish model for the DNA database.
- The protection of historic freedoms through the defence of trial by jury.
- The restoration of rights to non-violent protest.
- The review of libel laws to protect freedom of speech.
- Safeguards against the misuse of anti-terrorism legislation.
- Further regulation of CCTV .
- Ending of storage of internet and email records without good reason.
I like the juxtaposition of "A new mechanism to prevent the proliferation of unnecessary new criminal offences" (the civil liberties section) with "Measures to make the import or possession of illegal timber a criminal offence" (from the environment section).

The Lib-Cons (or Conocrats?) also want to preserve "the integrity of our criminal justice system", whatever that means.

The two parties differ considerably on crime policy so it will be interesting to see who 'wins'. In their manifestoes, the LDs wanted to introduce an assumption against 6 month prison sentences yet the Tories wanted to see an increase in the prison estate- that fight in itself will be an interesting one!

Research Professional online tool

Research Professional is a comprehensive online funding opportunities
database which offers researchers the opportunity to search for
research funding in all disciplines from a wide range of sponsors in
the UK and overseas. The website features an easy-to-use interface as
well as powerful searching and customisation tools which allow you to
tailor information to your specific interests.

The University subscribes to the database, which means that access is
free of charge for all University members. You can access
www.researchprofessional.com from any computer within the University
network; either using Campus access or registering yourself as an
individual user. This latter option allows you not only search for
funding opportunities but also to save the results and set up email

For further information about the database please visit the Research
Office web site at

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

How to use Powerpoint

The online magazine Slate has a useful article on how to get the most out of Powerpoint, written in the context of a recent exploration on the uses (and potential misuses) of the software by the U.S. military. The article in Slate provides some useful tips for when and how to use Powerpoint, such as making sure your topic is right for Powerpoint, and that your presentation would benefit from visuals. These points, and more, should be quite applicable to the conference paper presentation.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Study group: Thinking Critically About Analysis




  We would like to invite you to attend a one day event, for

  * Leading academics will present ideas about what analysis can mean
in different methodological contexts, particularly in relation to
substantive findings and theoretical insights.

  * This will involve moving beyond identifying ?techniques? or
procedures, by focusing on how processes of data analysis might
enhance our conceptual understanding of the social world.

  * The event will offer a training opportunity for all who are
interested in critical engagement in research methodology, and in
research practice.

  Presentations, workshops and a plenary session will enable
delegates to think critically about data analysis in social research,
and in practice. Delegates will explore specific issues and, where
relevant, share insights from their own research and experience.

  Delegates will be asked to sign up to a morning and afternoon
workshop prior to the event. Two workshops, facilitated by the
speakers, will run parallel to each other in MORNING and AFTERNOON


  /From sampling and choosing cases to analysis in qualitative research/

/Pattern and process through qualitative evidence; working across
survey and qualitative data/

 /Say What You See: From ?Hanging out? to Human Nvivo to Policy Influence/

 /Exploring mind-mapping as a research tool: from application to analysis/

  There will also be a plenary by/ /PROFESSOR RAY PAWSON

  /Naming and Shaming: Evidence and Inference/

There Is A Small Registration Fee Of £15. Fees Include Lunch, Tea And
Coffee. Pay By Cash Or Credit Card Prior To The Day. To Register
Attendance And Workshop Preference Please Complete A Registration Form


  Social Policy Association members can claim travel expenses of up
to £40 per person, available ON A FIRST COME AND FIRST SERVED BASIS.
Please see registration form for details. To become a member of the
Social Policy Association go to

For Queries Relating To The Academic Content Of The Conference Email
Rachael Dobson, r.dobson00@leeds.ac.uk

  For queries relating to event administration email Marie Johnson


Job opening: fellow/associate professor in sociology, ANU

Fellow/Associate Professor in Sociology (Level C/D)
School of Sociology, Research School of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Social Sciences, The Australian National University

The ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences wishes to appoint a Fellow/Associate Professor (Level C/D) in the School of Sociology with expertise in crime and justice. The Research School of Social Sciences (RSSS) is Australia's major institution for theoretical and empirical research in the social sciences and has a significant international reputation for its cutting edge research. It is also a significant presence in the nation's postgraduate and postdoctoral training in the social sciences.

It is expected that all appointments will make a significant contribution to the College's graduate teaching and research profile. You will be expected to deliver at least one module per year into the Sociology undergraduate Program, to contribute to the development of Sociology Master's Programs and to supervise Higher Degree Research students.

Salary Package: AUS$91,754 - $117,241 pa plus 17% superannuation
Closing Date: 28 May 2010
Location: Canberra, ACT
Term of Contract: Permanent
More information: http://jobs.anu.edu.au/PositionDetail.aspx?p=1200
Enquiries: Prof Stewart Lockie, T: 02 6125 1743, E: Stewart.Lockie@anu.edu.au

Post-doctoral fellowship

Post Doctoral Training Opportunity at the University of Oregon
The Development and Psychopathology Training Grant (DEEP) is a fellowship program funded by NIMH to the Child and Family Center (http://cfc.uoregon.edu).  This grant has been ongoing at the University of Oregon for 10 years, and is organized through the Child and Family Center (please see http//cfc.uoregon.edu).  We are advertising for one post-doctoral position (fellowship) associated with this training grant that will begin July 1, 2010.

 The continuation of the DEEP grant is intended to expand our training program in a number of new ways. First, the training grant is intended for post-doctoral trainees with a strong background in data analysis and research methods.  Second, this grant will emphasize training students to be skilled multi-cultural researchers. The grant will provide trainings in skills relevant to diversity in developmental processes and the intervention science.  Third, the training will focus on translational research, integrating areas of research such as neuroscience, genetics, developmental psychology, intervention techniques and change processes relevant to better understanding the etiology of mental health problems in children and adolescents and innovating new, more effective interventions (prevention and treatment).

 We have one position opening for next year beginning July 1 2010. The stipend provides full-time FTE through the summer for research in development and psychopathology and intervention science. Two years of funding is available contingent upon performance.   Applications that focus their areas of interest on research related to the Child and Family Center will have preference.

 We have 5 ongoing federally funded intervention trials (see

http:cfc.uoregon.edu) which afford longitudinal data sets, several family and peer observational data sets, and an ongoing EEG high density array lab involving children and families.  Multiple researchers at the University of Oregon, OSLC, ORI and EGI have been involved in previous trainee research programs, and are welcomed.

Post-doctoral applicants with strong quantitative training as well as interests in linking intervention and developmental science (testing hypotheses with interventions), dynamic systems, peer focused interventions, multicultural issues of intervention and assessment with children, trauma effects and interventions, or longitudinal data analysis are encourage to apply. Cognitive neuroscience applicants with interests in translational research are encouraged to apply.

 Please write a 1 to 2 page letter of interest to Beth Stormshak, with

2 research references by April 30.  The positions will remain open until filled. You may email your application to bstorm@uoregon.edu.

Please include your vitae.  You will be notified by May 31 of the final decision. Please cc email correspondence to Pamela Beeler at pbeeler@uoregon.edu

Call for papers: social image

Call for Manuscripts for a Special Issue of The European Journal of Social Psychology on “Social Image”

Social image is our image in the eyes of others. It refers to how much others value and respect us. Different perspectives in social psychology have examined the way in which the threat or the affirmation of social image affects emotions, interpersonal relations, and intergroup relations. These perspectives, however, rarely use the term social image to refer to the object of their study. Instead, a variety of terminologies are used to refer to social image, including reputation, stereotypes, public self-regard, face, persona, or honor.
The European Journal of Social Psychology will publish a special issue that aims to integrate a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives on social image. The Special Issue will be guest-edited by Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera (Wesleyan University, U.S.A.), Ayse Uskul (University of Essex, U.K.) and Susan Cross (Iowa State University, U.S.A.).
We cordially invite submissions from researchers that study social image in relation to emotional processes (e.g., emotions that are evoked from our perceptions of how others think of us), interpersonal relations (e.g., the strategies we use to manage the impressions others have of us), intergroup relations (e.g., responses to the devaluation of one’s group’s social image), and culture (e.g., honor). The special issue seeks a balance of empirical papers and conceptual reviews.

Important dates for manuscript submission:

May 15th, 2010: Letter of intent deadline.
June 30th, 2010: Paper submission deadline.
September 30th, 2010: Provisional acceptance of papers
December 1st, 2010: Revised final manuscript due date.

Authors who plan to submit manuscripts are asked to submit a letter of intent emailed to Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera (patricia.rodriguezmosquera@wesleyan.edu) by May 15, 2010 that includes: a) a tentative manuscript title, b) names and affiliations of all authors, c) contact information for corresponding author, and d) a brief description of the manuscript content (up to 600 words). Authors who do not submit letters of intent may still submit manuscripts (no later than June 30th, 2010), but these will be considered for the special issue only as space and time allow.

Original research papers should be no longer than 10,000 words (including abstract, tables, figures, and references) in line with research articles in regular issues. All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance to the editorial guidelines of EJSP (see instructions to authors) and should be submitted via the Manuscript Central online submission site: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ejsp

Please indicate that the paper is to be considered as a contribution to the special issue. All papers will be peer-reviewed. For further inquiries, please contact Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera at patricia.rodriguezmosquera@wesleyan.edu

Children's Health and the Environment workshop

"Children's Health and the Environment:
International Workshop on Research, Policy and Practice"

The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
June 28 - 30, 2010

An incredible group of speakers from around the world will be coming to London, Ontario, Canada this June to share their latest work and insights related to children's health and the built environment.  Together with these renowned speakers, design and health practitioners, policymakers, academics, health promoters and providers, community service and care providers will have the opportunity to work to identify ways to help make our built environments more conducive to children's health and well-being, including:  policy directions, design and planning solutions, and effective approaches to community collaboration and research.
And don't miss the valuable training sessions being offered the afternoon of June 28th - see the website for full descriptions!
Who should attend?  See www.healthycities.ca  for more details.
Applications for poster presentations are still being accepted.
Registration is now open, and workshop spaces are filling up!  Contact us soon at urban@uwo.ca  for more details, or send in your registration application to reserve your space!  See www.healthycities.ca   for registration forms and/or more information.  Don't delay! Early bird pricing ends May 15th!

Workshop Overview:
The physical environment plays a vital role in child health and development. Safe and sturdy shelter, engaging play spaces, stimulating learning environments, well-connected neighbourhood pathways, vibrant public spaces, clean air and protected natural environments all contribute to the growth, education, and healthy development of children. However, a rapidly expanding body of research suggests that prevailing forms of planning and development are at least partly to blame for rising rates of childhood obesity, respiratory problems, and mental health issues, as well as diminishing physical activity levels, environmental competence, civic engagement, and social interaction.
But how should we work toward creating healthy, supportive environments for children and youth? What is the current state of the evidence? What are the common barriers and facilitators to effectively translating and disseminating research findings to facilitate changes in policy and practice, or to guide interventions?
These are the kinds of questions we will tackle in a two-day workshop at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. This event aims to provide an effective forum for knowledge exchange and mobilization among leading researchers, policymakers, and practitioners concerned with healthy environments for children and youth. Workshop attendees will collectively endeavour to identify remaining needs, gaps, and opportunities regarding the current state of knowledge in order to set an agenda for future research and identify pathways to better informing future policies and practices of governments, public agencies, and practitioners.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Two bits of blog news

  1. This blog has been included in criminoBlogica's list of Top 50 Criminology Blogs with the comment: "This blog calendars events for a specific audience, but it also offers public news and commentary on criminology" which seems to sum up our aims of blog quite well. The rest of the top 50 can be found here: http://www.mastersincriminology.com/top-50-criminology-blogs.html#more-16
  2. The criminology PhD students at Edinburgh University (my criminology alma mater) have set up a similar blog to ours here: http://edinburghcriminologyphd.blogspot.com/.
Happy reading!

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Call for papers: PhD Criminology Conference

This is a reminder that the deadline for abstract submissions for this years PhD Criminology Conference at Cambridge University is this Friday 7th May.

Please see the website for more details and online abstract submission: www.srcf.ucam.org/crimphds